The publication database is continuously updated. Documents from older years will also be added gradually.
Radermacher, F. J.
Methanol - Central building block of a sustainable energy future Miscellaneous
Kommentar, 2021.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Klima-Nationalismus, Klimawandel, Methanol, Zukunft
title = {Methanol - Central building block of a sustainable energy future},
author = {F. J. Radermacher},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-07-01},
abstract = {Germany focuses too much on national goals in the fight against climate
change (climate nationalism). However, these are of little relevance in the
global context. This focus leads to unfavorable strategies, for example in the
areas of green electricity, green hydrogen and synthetic fuels. All
considerations are dominated by scarcity and exorbitant costs because we
want to produce in Germany by oneself what actually and rationally should
be imported, just as we currently import 70 % of our energy.},
howpublished = {Kommentar},
keywords = {English, Klima-Nationalismus, Klimawandel, Methanol, Zukunft},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Herlyn, E.
On the action for a prohibitory injunction of the "Wettbewerbszentrale" against climate neutrality Miscellaneous
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Klimaneutralität, Unterlassungsklage, Wettbewerbszentrale
title = {On the action for a prohibitory injunction of the "Wettbewerbszentrale" against climate neutrality},
author = {E. Herlyn},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-06-09},
abstract = {The German “Centre for Protection against Unfair Competition”
(Wettbewerbszentrale) recently objected to the misleading and non-transparent use of
the term 'climate neutrality' in the advertising of four companies, including ALDI
Süd, and sued them for injunctive relief.2 This event was widely commented on in
the media. However, there was no critical discussion or questioning of the legitimacy
of these lawsuits. The media merely reflected the argumentation of the
keywords = {English, Klimaneutralität, Unterlassungsklage, Wettbewerbszentrale},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Radermacher, F. J.
Possible Contributions to meet the new climate targets after the ruling of the German Federal Constitutional Court Miscellaneous
Discussion paper, 2021.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: climate protection, English, Methanol, synthetic fuel
title = {Possible Contributions to meet the new climate targets after the ruling of the German Federal Constitutional Court},
author = {F. J. Radermacher},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-05-28},
abstract = {The German climate target by 2030 is increased from 55% reduction to 65% compared to 1990. Since 1990, 40% reduction from about 1050 million tons of CO2 to 630 million tons of CO2 has been achieved in the energy-related sector. This was comparatively easy compared to the 55% reduction volume by 2030 envisaged since the end of 2019 – in the first version of the climate protection law – which corresponds to further 160 million tons of reduction volume and a target of 470 million tons of CO2.
The tightening to a 65% target by 2030, which has now been implemented in the short term, increases the required reduction volume by about another 100 million tons of CO2 per year to the target figure of only about 370 million tons of CO2 emissions in 2030. With the current strategies, this cannot be achieved without a massive deconstruction of the German economy and the massive restriction of people's freedoms. The following text gives indications how the additional 100 million tons of CO2 (even 140 million tons of CO2 are presented) can be saved along new solution paths at reasonable costs.
The central element of the proposal is a blending quota for synthetic energy carriers / fuels of 15% by 2030. This proportion of e.g. methanol gasoline to conventional gasoline is climate neutral. Chemically, the two substances are essentially identical, just as there is no difference between electricity based on fossil fuels and green electricity. The cost differences compared to today are very small. The amount of CO2 emissions that can be saved in this way from 2030 onwards is around 60 million tons of CO2 per year in the energy-related sector. By 2040, a steady increase in the blending quota will make it possible to achieve the majority of the reductions in CO2 emissions of 400 million metric tons of CO2 per year required for "climate neutrality 2045" in Germany.},
howpublished = {Discussion paper},
keywords = {climate protection, English, Methanol, synthetic fuel},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Radermacher, F. J.
On the ruling of the german federal constitutional court on the federal climate protection act Miscellaneous
Kommentar, 2021.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: climate protection, English, federal constitutional court
title = {On the ruling of the german federal constitutional court on the federal climate protection act},
author = {F. J. Radermacher},
url = {ttps://},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-05-25},
abstract = {In the current heated debates on the climate question in Germany, a growing panic regarding an impending climate catastrophe clashes with major economic and social problems as a result of the corona pandemic. Now the Federal Constitutional Court has also taken a position, following constitutional complaints in 2020. This took place in a situation in which CO2 emissions worldwide are continuing to rise – in-stead of falling as hoped for – and in the context of an incipient federal election campaign that is heavily dominated by climate issues. In essence, the Court is dealing with intertemporal questions of justice: To what extent can the current approach to climate protection lead to future restrictions on freedom and rights for the younger generation because the older generation is not willing to make sufficient contributions to climate protection today?},
howpublished = {Kommentar},
keywords = {climate protection, English, federal constitutional court},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Radermacher, F. J.
How we can still stop climate change Journal Article
In: FOCUS online, 2021.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Klimawandel
title = {How we can still stop climate change},
author = {F. J. Radermacher},
url = {},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-04-19},
journal = {FOCUS online},
abstract = {Climate protection is extremely complex. Global CO2 emissions continue to grow. The Paris Agreement contains ambitious targets but no matching commitments and measures. The negative dynamics concerning climate result from the understandable economic aspirations of many poorer countries who want to catch-up with the rich, industrialized countries. China is successfully leading the way in this regard but, as a result, is now emitting one-third of the world's CO2 emissions and continues to increase her emissions. Simultaneously, the world's population is growing at a rapid pace. By 2050, some 2.5 billion people will be added to the current figure. That is equivalent to adding a population the size of Germany’s, every year.
German and European climate policy do not deal with these issues. We are concerned solely with reducing our own CO2 emissions. Though this is largely irrelevant to the global climate, it demands all our attention and costs us enormous financial and intellectual resources. We are totally fixated on electromobility but disregard climate-neutral synthetic fuels for passenger cars, including for the existing global fleet. Nuclear power is rejected across the board, as is the capture and use of CO2 from industrial plants and coal-fired power plants.},
keywords = {English, Klimawandel},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Serrate, J. S.; Lopez, C.; Ünver, H.; Drobyshevsky, S.; Trunin, P.
In: T20 Saudi Arabia, pp. 1-17, 2020.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: digital society, English, International Financial Architecture
title = {Digital money is here: G20 (Thinking) must go digital. A systemic agenda is necessary to steer the risky transition process and reap long-term benefits},
author = {J.S. Serrate and C. Lopez and H. Ünver and S. Drobyshevsky and P. Trunin},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-11-25},
journal = {T20 Saudi Arabia},
pages = {1-17},
abstract = {Digitalization is driving financial innovations and developing money, credit, and banking models across the world. New players, such as major technological companies (Big Tech), are entering finance with ambitious plans. In aggregate, these processes will entail increased competition and potential financial stability risks. In the context of emerging digital money and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), this paper analyzes general principles, rules, and basic recommendations by considering their regulatory and technological aspects. We urge the G20 to set up a Digital Money & Finance Working Group (WG) and develop a comprehensive agenda with a systemic vision, in line with the SDGs. This could guide a resilient financial system through a prudent transition process, keep pace with technology, and deliver the long-term benefits to society promised by innovation.},
keywords = {digital society, English, International Financial Architecture},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Herlyn, E.
Global thinking is key Miscellaneous
Interview in VIVID - Wirtschaftsmagazin für Düsseldorf, 2020.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Klimaneutralität, Nachhaltigkeit, Ökologisch-soziale Marktwirtschaft
title = {Global thinking is key},
author = {E. Herlyn},
editor = {VIVID - Wirtschaftsmagazin für Düsseldorf},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-08-31},
abstract = {Wie können wir mehr ökologische und soziale Verantwortung übernehmen? Und wie beeinflusst uns die Krise auf dem Weg hin zu einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft? Ein Interview mit Prof. Dr. Estelle Herlyn, Professorin für Nachhaltigkeit an der FOM Düsseldorf.},
howpublished = {Interview in VIVID - Wirtschaftsmagazin für Düsseldorf},
keywords = {English, Klimaneutralität, Nachhaltigkeit, Ökologisch-soziale Marktwirtschaft},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Radermacher, F. J.
„double-green” methanol / „double-green” synthetic fuels Miscellaneous
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Methanol, synthetic fuel
title = {„double-green” methanol / „double-green” synthetic fuels},
author = {F. J. Radermacher},
url = {},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-08-04},
abstract = {Methanol is an “anchor substance” for a climate neutral world. Methanol and its derivatives (synthetic climate-neutral fuels) open up the possibility, among other things, to make the entire traffic, including the dominant number of existing vehicles with combustion engines, climate-neutral. The same applies to individual heating and cooling solutions. In the area of mobility, neither the vehicles nor the infrastructure needs to be changed. In the area of heating/cooling systems, the extremely costly energetic renovation of existing buildings can be abandoned. Such approaches are already possible today (including current taxes) for less than 2 Euro per liter of fuel / heating oil, if only sufficient quantities of green hydrogen were available at affordable prices.},
keywords = {English, Methanol, synthetic fuel},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Radermacher, F. J.
The Rio/Kyoto/Paris Dilemma Journal Article
In: Kursbuch 202 Donner. Wetter. Klima., pp. 1-18, 2020.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Paris, Weltklimapolitik
title = {The Rio/Kyoto/Paris Dilemma},
author = {F. J. Radermacher},
editor = {Kulturstiftung gGmbH},
url = {
year = {2020},
date = {2020-05-27},
journal = {Kursbuch 202 Donner. Wetter. Klima.},
pages = {1-18},
abstract = {The global community is in an extremely difficult situation with regard to climate change. There is much evidence to suggest that the 2°C target cannot be achieved – no matter how much energy and optimism activists spread with their perseverance slogans. How did we get into this situation?
The present article shows that there were good options to defuse the situation decisively in the key years 1990, 2000 and 2010, for example via clever cap and trade systems as discussed at the time, combined with massive investments in nature-based solutions, such as afforestation, to generate negative emissions. Ultimately, such solutions were not implemented, amongst others because the rich countries were too "stupid" to accept the principle of climate justice required by developing and emerging countries to split an agreed cap for global greenhouse gas emissions.
The consequences proved to be very different from what was expected: The world experienced high economic growth driven by China, which worsened the climate situation considerably. In addition to China itself, many countries, in particular industrialized ones, have economically benefited from these growth processes and thus indirectly externalized substantial environmental costs to foster their prosperity. We now have to deal with the consequences as a global community – without knowing, however, how we can master the current situation.},
keywords = {English, Paris, Weltklimapolitik},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Radermacher, F. J.
The Marshall Plan with Africa: An approach to the implementation of the Agenda 2030?! Book Chapter
In: Herlyn, E.; Lévy-Tödter, M. (Ed.): Chapter 2, pp. 15-42, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 1, 2019.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Agenda 2030, English, Marshall Plan
title = {The Marshall Plan with Africa: An approach to the implementation of the Agenda 2030?!},
author = {F. J. Radermacher},
editor = {E. Herlyn and M. Lévy-Tödter},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-25706-4_2},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-12-12},
pages = {15-42},
publisher = {Springer Gabler},
address = {Wiesbaden},
edition = {1},
chapter = {2},
abstract = {The text discusses the Agenda 2030, the so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and their chances of implementation. The text does not agree on praising the SDGs, but rather sees them in some sense as a step backwards compared to the Millen-nium Development Goals (MDGs), because they make it easier for richcountries to concen-trate on their own problems instead of tackling the major global sustainability challenges in international cooperation. From the author’s point of view, the implementation chances for the SDGs are not high. Consideration is then given to whether a Marshall Plan with Africa would offer an opportunity to push forward the implementation of the SDGs, particularly in the case of Africa, where the greatest challenges exist. In fact, a Marshall Plan offers these opportunities, but here again the question arises whether such a plan will ever be imple-mented. The recently launched "Development and Climate Alliance" of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) suggests a way in which a multi-stakeholder initiative could possibly lead to an approach of promoting a Marshall Plan with Africa and other related international developments and thus making a substantial contribu-tion to the implementation of the SDGs. The text discusses the topics mentioned and related questions.},
keywords = {Agenda 2030, English, Marshall Plan},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Radermacher, F. J.
Greta Thunberg: „How dare you?“ - english Miscellaneous
Kommentar, 2019.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Klimaschutz
title = {Greta Thunberg: „How dare you?“ - english},
author = {F. J. Radermacher},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-10-16},
abstract = {The phrase "How dare you?" has moved many people and also outraged many people, in politics in particular, who have long been committed to more climate protection: From the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement or the Renewable Energy Sources Act in Germany. In my view, the sentence was well prepared as a calculated provocation. It “missed the point”, but studiously and deliberately. In any case, it reflects - if you take it literally - a deep misunderstanding about the legal possibilities of the representatives of the States gathered in New York. They are not allowed to decide almost anything of relevance on the basis of their mandates. Quite apart from the fact that any courageous decisions by these actors still have to be ratified (e.g. by parliamentary majorities) before they become legally binding. If politicians did more, they would indeed dare a lot. They would then be deposed and perhaps even imprisoned, including Mrs Merkel. In this case one could justifiably ask "How dare you?”. In fact, the politicians do not dare much. They operate within the framework of their legal possibilities and political mandates. And that is a good thing.},
howpublished = {Kommentar},
keywords = {English, Klimaschutz},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Herlyn, E.; Radermacher, F. J.
Income Distribution and Social Policy: Relevance for the Social Dimension of Sustainability Journal Article
In: Cadmus, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 74-81, 2019.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, income distribution, social policy
title = {Income Distribution and Social Policy: Relevance for the Social Dimension of Sustainability},
author = {E. Herlyn and F. J. Radermacher},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-10-12},
journal = {Cadmus},
volume = {4},
number = {1},
pages = {74-81},
abstract = {This publication provides clues to the phenomenon of increasing social division within rich societies. At the same time, it refers to more recent insights of a partly empirical, partly mathematical type, which make it possible to describe the income situation of mature states/market economies solely by means of the so-called Gini coefficient. The Gini coefficient is the most important parameter for describing inequalities. The fact that it can fully describe the situation in the case of income distribution is both surprising and practically helpful. The present paper also refers to some consequences of the analysis of income distributions for the interpretation of political processes. It also provides information on the so-called “efficient inequality range”. This describes the spectrum in which balance or inequality has a positive effect on societies. A variety of further details on the issues addressed can be found in the references given, in particular [4, 6, 9].},
keywords = {English, income distribution, social policy},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Radermacher, F. J.
In: der Wirtschaft, Stiftung Senat (Ed.): Europa fit machen für die Zukunft, Senat der Wirtschaft, 2019, ISBN: 978-3734714139.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Bodenverbesserung, English, Klimakrise, Methanol
title = {Overcoming the international energy and climate crisis – Methanol economy and soil improvement can close the carbon cycle},
author = {F. J. Radermacher},
editor = {Stiftung Senat der Wirtschaft},
url = {},
isbn = {978-3734714139},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-07-03},
booktitle = {Europa fit machen für die Zukunft},
journal = {Europa fit machen für die Zukunft,},
publisher = {Senat der Wirtschaft},
chapter = {12},
abstract = {The global energy and climate crisis can be solved in a way that is compatible with growth and promoting prosperity. The now almost panic-stricken public debates about the end of the world, a planned economy for the climate, the electrification of the entire mobility sector, etc. are not in any way doing justice to the multidimensionality of the challenge. The approach escribed, on the other hand, allows Africa, India and other emerging economies to follow China's development model - without massive negative impacts on the climate. Following this approach, the SDGs can be implemented by 2050. Three essential elements have to be combined: (1) Methanol economy, (2) soils as carbon stores and (3) carbon offsetting projects promoting SDG implementation.},
keywords = {Bodenverbesserung, English, Klimakrise, Methanol},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Radermacher, F. J.
Methanol economy and Development and Climate Alliance Miscellaneous
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima, English, Methanol
title = {Methanol economy and Development and Climate Alliance},
author = {F. J. Radermacher},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-07-01},
abstract = {Parts of our society are moving into panic mode in view of developments in the en-ergy and climate sector. Climate hysteria has been chosen as the word of the year 2019 in Germany. Some politicians are pursuing almost planned economy solutions, such as the implementation of electromobility via regulation and massive specifica-tions for the energy-efficient renovation of buildings, all while neglecting cost-benefit considerations. Our country is threatened with a considerable loss in prosperity and significance. This is not a sustainable approach. What should be done instead?},
keywords = {Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima, English, Methanol},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Radermacher, F. J.
Climate Change and Climate Protection – Methanol helps! Journal Article
In: Audit Committee Quarterly, vol. 1, pp. 11-13, 2019, ISBN: 2509-2936.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Klimaschutz, Klimawandel, Methanol
title = {Climate Change and Climate Protection – Methanol helps!},
author = {F. J. Radermacher},
url = {},
isbn = {2509-2936},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-02-01},
journal = {Audit Committee Quarterly},
volume = {1},
pages = {11-13},
abstract = {One of the main difficulties in the debates on climate protection and the energy issue is how we deal with it – as a society, in politics and in industry. And not just nationally, but across borders, and especially not just in circles of the industrialised western world. The interests of the developing and emerging countries must be taken into account, not only in terms of the current state of development, but also in terms of future global developments. China is a good example of changes that can happen in a few decades. },
keywords = {English, Klimaschutz, Klimawandel, Methanol},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Herlyn, E.; Radermacher, F. J.
A 1-1-1 relationship for World Bank Income Data and the Gini Journal Article
In: ECINEQ Working Paper 2018, vol. 473, 2018.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Approximation, English, income inequality, Lorenz curves, World Bank data
title = {A 1-1-1 relationship for World Bank Income Data and the Gini},
author = {E. Herlyn and F. J. Radermacher},
url = {},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-08-03},
journal = {ECINEQ Working Paper 2018},
volume = {473},
abstract = {The paper provides insights of significant practical relevance into the nature of empirical income distri-bution data, provided by World Bank (and by EU-SILC as well). The insight covers mature states and their economic and societal system. Proceeding from a Gini value .., as published by the World Bank, it is possible to derive, as close approximation, the actual income distribution, with standardised total income 1, and a mathematical representation. We call this the standard Lorenz curve LG. LG is of type LG = 0.6 ·P areto(ε) + 0.4 ·P olynomial(ε), where P areto(ε) and P olynomial(ε) are the Pareto and polynomial Lorenz curves for a parameter ε with ε = (1−G)/(1+G) and G = (1−ε)/(1+ε). If the total income level of the considered distribution is known, then the distribution of absolute income can also be derived. If, in addition, one knows the number of income earners, then one also knows the distribution of the absolute income within a population. All together our summarizing statement is: ”For mature economies, analysing World Bank and EU-SILC income data, there is essentially a cross-country and cross-year 1-1-1 correspondence between the GINI, the corresponding decile resp. quintile information and the respective standard Lorenz curve described above.” Some interesting mathematics is involved to reach the main result. The insights obtained will hopefully enable economists and social scientists to further develop their work in the field of income inequality and associated social phenomena.},
keywords = {Approximation, English, income inequality, Lorenz curves, World Bank data},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Migration, Sustainability and a Marshall Plan with Africa Periodical
A Memorandum for the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Governments of the EU Member States, 2018.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Marshall Plan, Migration, Sustainability
title = {Migration, Sustainability and a Marshall Plan with Africa},
author = {B. Beyers and J. v. Braun and E. Herlyn and K. Leisinger and G. Maxton and F. J. Radermacher and T. Straubhaar and E. U. v. Weizsäcker},
url = {},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-07-01},
issuetitle = {A Memorandum for the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Governments of the EU Member States},
journal = {SENATE},
abstract = {The global developments of recent years have given rise to many challenges and uncertainties. It is by no means clear that the world will move towards a balanced state of sustainability. One scenario would involve large-scale conflicts, both between nation states as well as within countries, up to a global refeudalisation, an ongoing erosion of democracy, an increase in the number of ‘failed states’, ecological collapses in parts of the world and, subsequently, growing migration flows. Steps in this hardly optimistic direction can already be observed today. },
keywords = {English, Marshall Plan, Migration, Sustainability},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {periodical}
Radermacher, F. J.
Climate politics in the era of US President Trump Miscellaneous
Essay, 2017.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Klima, Politik
title = {Climate politics in the era of US President Trump},
author = {F. J. Radermacher},
url = {},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-07-01},
abstract = {International politics is becoming increasingly difficult in many countries the era of US President Trump, Brexit, and the tendency towards renationalisation and pro-tectionism. The emerging migration pressure presents a particular challenge, es-pecially if you consider the possibility of millions of climate refugees in the future. At the same time as the international issues, the losers of the globalisation pro-cesses of recent decades generate political shifts within countries. Their situation has not been fairly taken into account in the public debate for far too long. At the national level, almost everywhere there are people who promise simple solutions, while the difficult, but promising approaches to genuine international cooperation are more suppressed on all sides.},
howpublished = {Essay},
keywords = {English, Klima, Politik},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Ünver, H.
Measuring the global information society – explaining digital inequality by economic level and education standard Journal Article
In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 173, no. 1, pp. 012021, 2017.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: digital inequality, economic level, education, English, global information society
title = {Measuring the global information society – explaining digital inequality by economic level and education standard},
author = {H. Ünver},
editor = {IOP Publishing},
url = {},
doi = {10.1088/1757-899X/173/1/012021},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-02-01},
journal = {IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering},
volume = {173},
number = {1},
pages = {012021},
abstract = {A main focus of this research paper is to investigate on the explanation of the ‘digital inequality’ or
‘digital divide’ by economic level and education standard of about 150 countries worldwide.
Inequality regarding GDP per capita, literacy and the so-called UN Education Index seem to be
important factors affecting ICT usage, in particular Internet penetration, mobile phone usage and
also mobile Internet services. Empirical methods and (multivariate) regression analysis with linear
and non-linear functions are useful methods to measure some crucial factors of a country or culture
towards becoming information and knowledge based society. Overall, the study concludes that the
convergence regarding ICT usage proceeds worldwide faster than the convergence in terms of
economic wealth and education in general. The results based on a large data analysis show that the
digital divide is declining over more than a decade between 2000 and 2013, since more people
worldwide use mobile phones and the Internet. But a high digital inequality explained to a
significant extent by the functional relation between technology penetration rates, education level
and average income still exists. Furthermore it supports the actions of countries at UN/G20/OECD
level for providing ICT access to all people for a more balanced world in context of sustainable
development by postulating that policymakers need to promote comprehensive education
worldwide by means of using ICT.},
keywords = {digital inequality, economic level, education, English, global information society},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Radermacher, F. J.
Lorenz Curves and Atkinson Theorem – Some Recent Insights Book Chapter
In: Ahn, H.; Clermont, M.; Souren, R. (Ed.): Nachhaltiges Entscheiden - Beiträge zum multiperspektivischen Performancemanagement von Wertschöpfungsprozessen, Chapter 4, pp. 49-72, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-658-12505-9.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Finite Sequence, Generalize Inverse, income distribution, Lorenz curves, Support Point
title = {Lorenz Curves and Atkinson Theorem – Some Recent Insights},
author = {F. J. Radermacher},
editor = {H. Ahn and M. Clermont and R. Souren},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-12506-6_4},
isbn = {978-3-658-12505-9},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-20},
booktitle = {Nachhaltiges Entscheiden - Beiträge zum multiperspektivischen Performancemanagement von Wertschöpfungsprozessen},
pages = {49-72},
publisher = {Springer Gabler},
address = {Wiesbaden},
chapter = {4},
abstract = {This paper deals with Lorenz curves. They allow for the representation of ‘inequality’ or ‘variability’ independent from absolute magnitudes. The general case is concerned with individuals or objects with an associated non-negative value such as body mass, body height, wealth owned, economic value or return from a customer or product.},
keywords = {English, Finite Sequence, Generalize Inverse, income distribution, Lorenz curves, Support Point},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Eichhorn, W.; Solte, D.
Swell Money and Sustainability - Unriddle our Destiny Book
S.Fischer Verlag, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-9811841-5-0.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Swell Money
title = {Swell Money and Sustainability - Unriddle our Destiny},
author = {W. Eichhorn and D. Solte},
url = {},
isbn = {978-3-9811841-5-0},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-00},
publisher = {S.Fischer Verlag},
abstract = {The aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007-08 changed for many people the understanding of how the economy works. For many years, the Global Marshall Plan Initiative, the Club of Rome, the Eco-Social Forum Europe and other well-respected organisations have advocated for adequate global governance and more regulation of markets, specifically financial markets.
On the contrary, market fundamentalists have argued that no policymaker can outsmart markets, with their alleged self-healing powers. The eruption of the financial crisis was no surprise to us, whereas the market fundamentalists were dumbfounded by what had happened and shocked that their models did not hold.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, market fundamentalism, driven by huge ambitions of power, became the leading paradigm: free-flow of capital, minimal state control and deregulated
business and -trade were positioned as the framework conditions needed to solve all societal problems. This dogma is based on the idea that totally free markets inherently guarantee the best allocation of resources, hence securing the path for growth, in terms of GDP, jobs, income, and even sustainability...},
keywords = {English, Swell Money},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Kämpke, T.; Radermacher, F. J.
Income Modeling and Balancing – A Rigorous Treatment of Distribution Patterns Book
Springer International Publishing, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-13223-5.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Balance, English, equity, income distribution, Weltfinanzsystem
title = {Income Modeling and Balancing – A Rigorous Treatment of Distribution Patterns},
author = {T. Kämpke and F. J. Radermacher},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-13224-2},
isbn = {978-3-319-13223-5},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-00-00},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
abstract = {This book presents a rigorous treatment of the mathematical instruments available for dealing with income distributions, in particular Lorenz curves and related methods. The methods examined allow us to analyze, compare and modify such distributions from an economic and social perspective. Though balanced income distributions are key to peaceful coexistence within and between nations, it is often difficult to identify the right kind of balance needed, because there is an interesting interaction with innovation and economic growth. The issue of justice, as discussed in Thomas Piketty’s bestseller “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” or in the important book “The Price of Inequality” by Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, is also touched on. Further, there is a close connection to the issue of democracy in the context of globalization. One highlight of the book is its rigorous treatment of the so-called Atkinson theorem and some extensions, which help to explain under which type of societal utility functions nations tend to operate either in the direction of more balance or less balance. Finally, there are some completely new insights into changing the balance pattern of societies and the kind of coalitions between richer and poorer parts of society to organize political support in democracies in either case. },
keywords = {Balance, English, equity, income distribution, Weltfinanzsystem},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Herlyn, E.; Kämpke, T.; Radermacher, F. J.; Solte, D.
BIG DATA and Analytics - What are the perspectives? Miscellaneous
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Analytics, Big Data, English, OECD-Project
title = {BIG DATA and Analytics - What are the perspectives?},
author = {E. Herlyn and T. Kämpke and F. J. Radermacher and D. Solte},
url = {},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-11-19},
abstract = {This paper deals with OECD’s work on “The role of Data in Promoting Growth and Well-Being” and gives the reflection of the authors, building on more than twenty years of scientific involvement with the issue. The paper is influenced strongly by a close follow up of the innovations in ICT, based on a long research about the nature of human intelligence, the “intelligence” of humankind as a superorganism and the potential of machine intelligence, up to the level of consciousness or “qualia”.},
keywords = {Analytics, Big Data, English, OECD-Project},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Radermacher, F. J.; Solte, D.
Microcredit – Addressing an Ongoing Debate Technical Report
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Microcredit, Weltfinanzsystem
title = {Microcredit – Addressing an Ongoing Debate},
author = {F. J. Radermacher and D. Solte},
url = {},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-11-12},
abstract = {Das Konzept des Mikrokredits, der Bereitstellung von Kleinkrediten für Arme weltweit, erlangte durch die Verleihung des Friedensnobelpreises im Jahr 2006 an den wichtigsten Promotor dieser Thematik, Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Gründer der Grameen Bank sowie zahlreicher weiterer Social Business Unternehmen in Bangladesh, internationale Bekanntheit. Im Zuge des dadurch ausgelösten „Hypes“ entstanden jedoch auch kritikwürdige Formen der Mikrokreditvergabe. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine ähnliche Entwicklung, wie sie die Welt im Bereich üblicher Finanzierungsmechanismen in der Weltfinanzkrise erleben musste. Finanzierungsinstrumente sind wichtig für eine funktionierende Gesellschaft. Sie beinhalten aber bei unzureichender Regulierung auch erhebliche Potenziale für dysfunktionale Effekte. Nachdem sich dieses negative Potenzial mit völlig unakzeptablen Konsequenzen für die Kreditnehmer auch im Bereich von Mikrokrediten offenbarte, entstanden Studien, die Mikrokredite und ihre Wirkungsweise undifferenziert behandeln und diese pauschal negativ positionieren. Diese Beurteilung ist nicht nur inadäquat, sondern gefährdet zudem den zukünftigen Einsatz wertvoller Finanzinstrumente wie den Mikrokredit, die potenziell von erheblicher Bedeutung für die Überwindung von Armut sind. Dies gilt insbesondere bei der Förderung von unternehmerisch befähigten Personen mit tragfähigem Geschäftsmodell, die über keine ausreichende Initialfinanzierung verfügen.},
keywords = {English, Microcredit, Weltfinanzsystem},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Ünver, H.
Explaining education level and internet penetration by economic reasoning-worldwide analysis from 2000 through 2010 Journal Article
In: International Journal for Infonomics (IJI), vol. 7, pp. 898-912, 2014.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Education Level, English, Internet Penetration
title = {Explaining education level and internet penetration by economic reasoning-worldwide analysis from 2000 through 2010},
author = {H. Ünver},
url = {},
doi = {10.20533/iji.1742.4712.2014.0107},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-06-01},
journal = {International Journal for Infonomics (IJI)},
volume = {7},
pages = {898-912},
abstract = {A main intention is to investigate the digital inequality regarding education level and Internet access between different countries with empirical methods and (multivariate) regression analysis using linear and non-linear functions. The UN education index and adult literacy rate are used to measure the education level. Internet penetration rate gives the number of Internet users per 100 inhabitants. There is an empirical positive relation between education level and Internet penetration in a country. The degree of relation between education index and Internet penetration rate is higher than the degree of relation between adult literacy rate and Internet penetration rate. We not only demonstrate these trends but are also able to explain them to a great extent by identifying the relation of the different parameters studied with the income situation in countries. The results show, that GDP per capita drives primarily the Internet penetration rate and even gains in importance between 2000 and 2010, if the education level is expressed via the education index. But the role of GDP per capita remains at the same level over time, if education is measured via adult literacy rate. This study concludes, that the digital divide is declining over the decade between 2000 and 2010, since more people worldwide use the Internet, but a high digital inequality explained to a significant extent by the relation between Internet penetration, education level and average income still exists. This study argues that policymakers need to promote comprehensive literacy education. },
keywords = {Education Level, English, Internet Penetration},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Herlyn, E.; Radermacher, F. J.
Sustainability: Challenges for the Future Book Chapter
In: Weidinger, C.; Fischler, F.; Schmidpeter, R. (Ed.): Sustainable Entrepreneurship - Business Success through sustainability, Chapter 3, pp. 23-37, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-642-38752-4.
Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Future, Sustainability
title = {Sustainability: Challenges for the Future},
author = {E. Herlyn and F. J. Radermacher},
editor = {C. Weidinger and F. Fischler and R. Schmidpeter},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-38753-1},
isbn = {978-3-642-38752-4},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
booktitle = {Sustainable Entrepreneurship - Business Success through sustainability},
pages = {23-37},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
address = {Berlin},
chapter = {3},
keywords = {English, Future, Sustainability},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Kämpke, T.
Proportionality-induced distribution laws Book Section
In: Income Modeling and Balancing, pp. 129–140, Springer, 2012.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: convex stochastic order, English, Lorenz curve, Lorenz curves, Lorenz order
title = {Proportionality-induced distribution laws},
author = { T. Kämpke},
url = {},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-04-14},
booktitle = {Income Modeling and Balancing},
pages = {129--140},
publisher = {Springer},
abstract = {Lorenz curves for income distributions are developed in a systematic way by relating individual incomes to averages of certain income groups. Each such distribution law yields an ordinary differential equation. Many of the differential equations allow explicit solutions leading to parametric kinds of Lorenz curves.},
keywords = {convex stochastic order, English, Lorenz curve, Lorenz curves, Lorenz order},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Kämpke, T.; Radermacher, F. J.
Lorenz curves and partial orders Technical Report
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atkinson theorem, convex stochastic order, English, Lorenz curve, Lorenz curves, Lorenz order, majorization
title = {Lorenz curves and partial orders},
author = {T. Kämpke and F. J. Radermacher},
url = {},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-04-05},
abstract = {We compile classical relations between the Lorenz order and majorization for finite discrete distributions and between the Lorenz order and the convex order for all other distributions. Simple transfers of the Pigou-Dalton type are extended as far as possible including approximations of continuous distributions.},
howpublished = {Diskussionspapier},
keywords = {Atkinson theorem, convex stochastic order, English, Lorenz curve, Lorenz curves, Lorenz order, majorization},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Kämpke, T.; Radermacher, F. J.
Lorenz curves – history, state and some recent results Technical Report
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: convex stochastic order, English, Lorenz curve, Lorenz curves, Lorenz order
title = {Lorenz curves – history, state and some recent results},
author = {T. Kämpke and F. J. Radermacher},
url = {},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-02-15},
abstract = {Lorenz curves are established under general conditions following an integral transform approachaging approximately 40 years. The derivation of this approach is given together with quite a few ex-planations, well known and widely-spread (yet well hidden?) facts from the literature, and some freshviews. The approach is based on relating the underlying distributions, typically income distributions,to probability distributions.The equity calculus, which is inspired by a notion of relative poverty, is shown to deliver a varietyof differential equations for Lorenz curves. Most admit one-parametric closed form solutions whilesolvability of others is still unsettled.},
howpublished = {Diskussionspapier},
keywords = {convex stochastic order, English, Lorenz curve, Lorenz curves, Lorenz order},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Solte, D.
Denkanstoß: A Doctrine of Balance Miscellaneous
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Denkanstoß, English, Weltfinanzsystem, Weltökonomie
title = {Denkanstoß: A Doctrine of Balance},
author = {D. Solte},
url = {},
year = {2011},
date = {2011-10-10},
abstract = {This text summarizes the author’s personal impression and conclusion of the workshop “New Foundations for World Economy and Global Governance” at the World Trade Organization, July 6, 2011 in Geneva.},
keywords = {Denkanstoß, English, Weltfinanzsystem, Weltökonomie},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {misc}
Kämpke, T.
Ordinary differential equations with inverted functions Technical Report
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: English, Euler method, fixed points, golden section, multistep procedures, Runge Kutta methods
title = {Ordinary differential equations with inverted functions},
author = {T. Kämpke},
url = {},
year = {2011},
date = {2011-09-13},
abstract = {Equations with differentials relating to the inverse of an unknown function rather than to the unknown function itself are solved exactly for some special cases and numerically for the general case. Invertibility combined with differentiability over connected domains forces solutions always to be monotone. Numerical function inversion is key to all solution algorithms which either are of a forward type or a fixed point type considering whole approximate solution functions in each iteration. The given considerations are restricted to ordinary differential equations with inverted functions (ODEIs) of first order. Forward type computations, if applicable, admit consistency of order one and, under an additional accuracy condition, convergence of order one.},
keywords = {English, Euler method, fixed points, golden section, multistep procedures, Runge Kutta methods},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}