FAW/n conducts research and development in the field of applied knowledge processing with reference to business, politics, public institutions and society. It needs funding and subsidies for its work. This applies in particular to the basic funding, since FAW/n operates without public funding despite its rather basic orientation, which precludes a sole focus on project work with partners from business, politics, etc.
It is precisely this fundamentally oriented work that results in essential insights that are useful for companies, especially those from the SME sector. This applies accordingly to the public and jointly organized pillars of our banking system in Germany.
Today, the Institute’s basic funding is provided by private donors. The staff of the institute and the institute director are at the disposal of the donors for thematic analyses and an in-depth exchange.
If you as a company would like to become a donor, you are welcome to write to us:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. F. J. Radermacher
Lise-Meitner-Str. 9
89081 Ulm
Tel (+49) 731 / 850712 81
E-Mail: radermacher [at] fawn-ulm.de
With a donation to the Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing/n, you support the Institute’s work for interdisciplinary research and ecosocial design of globalization, worldwide sustainable development and international climate protection.
Even small contributions help!
As a foundation under civil law, we will be happy to send you a donation receipt at the end of the year upon request.
Many thanks!
Sparkasse Ulm
Account number: 210 389 96
Bank sort code: 630 500 00
IBAN: DE96630500000021038996